To view the information on the official Bmw Recall List, select the respective model.This way you can find out if your vehicle has been recalled by the manufacturer.It is absolutely important for your road safety that you constantly come back to this page to check for new recalls.SicurAUTO updates the database every week.The SicurAUTO service provides information on any anomalies recognized by the manufacturers on the basis of DD 78/2000.The data is reported as present on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, but automatically improved, where possible, in order to make it more readable.Start monitoring of recall campaigns on August 26, 2011: last update March 25, 2020Car incentives 2022: the forms to be delivered to the dealershipCar incentives 2022: the deadline for registration rises to 9 monthsCopyright © |v6.0 |2000 - 2022 Claster Net - PL6762503116 Responsible Director: Claudio CangialosiThe site owned by Claster NET, VAT number PL6762503116, is affiliated with Gazzetta Motori of RCS Mediagroup Spa. The sole responsible for the contents (texts, photos, videos and graphics) is Claster NET;for any communication concerning the contents of the Site, click here.Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy